

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fwd: [PSM] Tohmahan terhadap PSM tindakan terdesak, satu pembohongan dan melucukan

psm with wording logo



Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) mengkutuk kenyataan yang dikeluarkan oleh Timbalan Ketua Polis Negeri Pulau Pinang – Datuk Abdul Rahim Jaafar dan Menteri Dalam Negeri Datuk Hishamuddin Tun Hussain yang cuba melabel PSM sebagai mempunyai agenda untuk melancarkan perang terhadap Yang Dipertuan Agung dan cuba menghidupkan Parti Komunis Malaya (PKM).

Pembohongan besar ini turut digunakan keatas 30 orang peserta yang terlibat dalam Kempen Udahlah- Bersaralah – sebuah kempen kesedaran Nasional PSM yang berjalan dari 24 sehingga 26hb. June 2011. Mereka yang sepatutnya dibebaskan kini direman selama 7 hari ekoran cubaan polis mengukir satu cerita fantasi dimana seksyen yang digunakan keatas mereka adalah seksyen 122 Kanun Kesiksaan iaitu melancarkan perang keatas Yang Dipertuan Agung.

Kenyataan pihak Berkuasa dan dakwaan keatas Aktivis PSM adalah tidak berasas, tidak masuk akal, pembohongan, bermotifkan politik dan sandiwara dan oleh yang demikian, PSM meminta kesemua mereka yang direman dibebaskan serta merta dan pihak Kerajaan meminta maaf atas tohmahan yang tidak berasas ini.

PSM merasa lucu bahawa Pemerintah cuba mengaitkan PSM dengan Komunis dengan terjumpanya beberapa baju T-shirt dan bahan-bahan yang mempunyai imej pemimpin komunis. Untuk makluman Polis, ini adalah skrip zaman perang dingin dimana hari ini, semua bahan ini boleh didapati dipasaran dan dijual secara umum tanpa sebarang sekatan. Selain itu, Kerajaan Malaysia juga mempunyai hubungan politik dengan Parti Komunsi Cina, Vietnam, Cuba dan lain-lain.

Selain daripada itu, Kerajaan Malaysia juga telah menandatangani perjanjian damai dengan PKM pada tahun 1989 dan pemimpin-pemimpin komunis kanan seperti Rashid Maidin, Suriani dan Abdullah CD juga telah diperkenan dengan DYMM Sultan Azlan Shah. Oleh yang demikian,  cubaan terdesak polis membawa balik bogey "Komunis" dalam zaman paska perang dingin adalah satu cubaan terdesak rejim UMNO-BN untuk terus berkuasa dengan cara menakutkan rakyat dan sekali gus mencari peluang untuk menggunakan ISA.

PSM adalah sebuah parti berdaftar yang menjalankan aktiviti secara sah dan ini memang diketahui umum. PSM juga mengiktiraf sumbangan parti-parti kiri sebelumnya yang telah menyumbang kepada kemerdekaan Negara seperti PKMM, API, AWAS, dan PKM. Cubaan polis yang sering melabel parti-parti lain sebagai agen PKM adalah satu taktik lama dan sudah basi.


Pihak Media kawalan UMNO-BN telah menghebohkan tohmahan dan pembohongan ini untuk menakutkan orang ramai menjelang perhimpunan BERSIH2. PSM menyokong penuh perhimpunan BERSIH2 walaupun Kempen Udahlah Bersaralah PSM tidak ada kena mengena dengan BERSIH2, tetapi pihak polis cuba mengaitkan dua aktiviti tersebut untuk menyekat perhimpunan Bersih2.

PSM sesunguhnya percaya dan sedar bahawa tuduhan keatas PSM hanyalah tindakan terancang pihak polis untuk mengujudkan musuh bayangan dengan niat untuk mengujudkan satu suasana "darurat" untuk membolehkan pemerintah melakukan penahanan besar-besaran "crackdown" untuk mengagalkan perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 pada 9 Julai yang  telah mendapat sokongan yang begitu memberangsangkan dari rakyat.

Tindakan polis terkini keatas PSM tidak akan menghalang PSM untuk terus berjuang dan memperjuangkan hak rakyat Malaysia.

Hidup Rakyat !

Hidup Sosialis !

Yang Benar,



Setiausaha Agung PSM


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Saturday, June 25, 2011

[Parlimen Sungai Siput] Polis Kejam - Kasari Pemimpin PSM

 Update 26/6/2011 Kempen Udahlah.. Bersaralah (Utara) - Barangan yang dirampas oleh polis tidak mahu dikembalikan. Polis mengkasari Ahli Parlimen Sg Siput, Dr Kumar, Sdr Saras (PSM Jelapang) dan Sdr Sugu (PSM Sg Siput). Masih tidak memberitahu sama ada didakwa atau tidak. Tunggu arahan atasan. Satu tindakan yang memalukan dan tidak profesional.
- Karti PSM

Posted By Pemuda Sosialis to Parlimen Sungai Siput at 6/25/2011 07:16:00 AM

Fwd: [Parlimen Sungai Siput] ‘Let’s retire BN’ campaign by PSM kicks off

Humayun Kabir | June 25, 2011

Party embarks on nationwide tour to create awareness among citizens' of democratic rights and the pitfalls of returning BN to power

IPOH: Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), with a pithy slogan, 'Udahlah tu…Bersaralah' (Enough already – retire now), has embarked on nationwide campaign to remind Malaysians of the pitfalls of returning Barisan Nasional to power in the 13th General Election.
The party said it's time for BN to 'retire' from politics as it is already 54 years old politically and has done little to uplift the socio- economic status of  the majority of Malaysians .
It kicked off its three-day national campaign tour yesterday in Ipoh with its leaders leaving in two chartered buses yesterday – one from Ipoh to the northern region up to Perlis and the from Johor heading for Kuala Lumpur.
They will hold ceramahs at major towns enroute to create awareness among Malaysians of their democratic rights as citizens and the
pitfalls of returning BN to power.
PSM leader Dr D Jeyakumar said the BN has diverted from its original path of serving  and uniting all Malaysians and is engaged in a divide and rule policy by playing on race and religion.
Jeyakumar said there was economic development for the people during Tun Abdul Razak's term but now only the elite in BN are enjoying the economic cake of the country.
Jeyakumar who is also Sungai Siput MP said that most Malaysians will suffer economically and financially if BN is returned to power.

Weakened workforce

He outlined the contributing factors to the gloomy financial outlook for the nation:

  • BN will implement the Goods and Services Tax (GST) which will affect those in the lower and middle income groups. The initial rate of GST is 5 % now but this percentage will go up as in the case of Singapore which started with 3 %, but now the figure has jumped to 7%.
  • BN will privatise all hospitals, thus pushing up health costs in its efforts to promote health tourism among foreigners.
  • BN will also privatise education that will make it difficult for most Malaysians to send their children for further education locally.
  • Labour laws will be amended to weaken the bargaining power of the workforce by making local companies not answerable to labour disputes or problems.
This will be done by outsourcing their businesses to  contractors who will be made the fall-guys for any labour problems arising.
  • BN will sign the Foreign Trade Agreements (FTA) with Europe and USA and the cost of consumer goods like medication for  life-threatening diseases like AIDs and cancer will rise beyond the reach of most Malaysians.

Posted By Pemuda Sosialis to Parlimen Sungai Siput at 6/25/2011 03:54:00 AM

[Parlimen Sungai Siput] Less rights for subcontracted workers

Patrick Lee  | June 23, 2011 
Amendments to the Employment Act will favour investors over workers, especially subcontracted ones, an MP said.

KUALA LUMPUR: Subcontracted employees will enjoy less workplace protections if amendments to the Employment Act are passed, an MP warned.Sungai Siput MP Dr Michael Jeyakumar Devaraj said that the proposed 2011 amendments merely formalised unethical practices that were already in place. "The problem with these amendments is what they do not say," he told FMT at the Parliament lobby yesterday.

Jeyakumar, who is also Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) member, said that it was a common practice for local companies to hire subcontractors to do their work.

In turn, these subcontractors would hire their own employees to perform the work for these companies.
Subcontracted employees, Jeyakumar said, could still make "limited claims" from companies if they were not properly paid by the subcontractors for their services.But with the amendment's presentation in the Dewan Rakyat yesterday, this ability to do so was taken away from them, he added.
Instead of hiring their own staff, Jeyakumar said that many companies were using subcontracted employees to perform integral, as opposed, to additional duties for them.

"You can get an entire workforce through a subcontractor of labour," he said.
"You don't have to pay them directly. You can pay the subcontractor, and the subcontractor would pay you (the employee). So this means legally, you're not my employee."
This practice, he claimed, prevented the affected workers from forming unions or being given the power to sue these companies if they were laid off.Jeyakumar alleged that people only needed minimal funds to become subcontractors of labour.

"You don't need capital (to become a subcontractor), nothing. You only get a list of people, and you supply (the employees) to me," he said.He also said that there were some instances where former permanent employees were coerced into working under these subcontractors.
He claimed that some employers would tell their workers that they were going to subcontract their work, and then direct these employees to labour subcontractors."(They say) if you want continue to work in this section, you can, but it would be with the subcontractor," Jeyakumar said.Asked why companies would resort to these methods, Jeyakumar said that it was cheaper to subcontract than to have permanent employees.
"What we need now in the Employment Act is to strip the whole contractualisation of workers, and restrict it only to jobs that are seasonal," he said

However, he sees little hope that the human resources ministry will enforce stringent restrictions against subcontractors.He said that comments directed at minister Dr S Subramaniam, though entertained, were never really followed through with.

Posted By Pemuda Sosialis to Parlimen Sungai Siput at 6/25/2011 01:07:00 AM

Sunday, June 19, 2011

PSM lancar kempen Udahlah tu...bersaralah 24-26 Jun 2011


Udahlah tu...Bersaralah 24 – 26 Jun 2011 (Fasa 1)


Parti Sosilis Malaysia (PSM) akan melancarkan kempen Udahlah...Bersaralah Fasa 1

iaitu satu kempen kesedaran Nasional untuk meminta rakyat membuat perubahan berani untuk membawa perubahan dalam pilihanraya nanti. Selain itu, PSM akan turut meminta rakyat menyertai Perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 pada 9 Julai 2011 menuntut pilihanraya bersih dan demokratik.


Kempen Udahlah tu...Bersaralah mendedahkan Amalan Rasuah Semakin Parah, Jurang kaya dan miskin semakin Besar!, Ketegangan Kaum semakin Hebat!, Demokrasi di Malaysia semakin TENAT!


Dan Jika BN Menang PRU-13, GST akan di laksanakan, Hak-Milik Awam akan Hancur, Hak-Milik Persendirian akan terus Makmur!, polisi perkauman bermaharalela dan

kaum marhaen dan rakyat akan merana!


Kempen Fasa 1 Udahlah tu ...Bersaralah akan melihat kempen bermula di dua puncak iaitu di Perlis dan juga di Johor dan kempen dari Utara akan menjelajahi beberapa kawasan luar bandar dan pekan menuju ke negeri Kedah, Pulau Pinang, Perak dan berakhir di Sungai Siput manakala pada masa yang sama – satu lagi kempen menjelajah dari Selatan melalui Negeri Johor, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan dan berakhir di Kota Damansara, Selangor. Kempen ini juga akan melibatkan kerjasama dengan parti-parti Pakatan Rakyat, kumpulan Masyarakat dan Jawatankuasa NGO.


Kempen Fasa Ke 2 pula akan meliputi kawasan Pantai Timur Semenanjung Malaysia.


Butir-butir kempen Fasa 1 adalah seperti berikut :


Tarikh kempen – 24 -26 Jun 2011 (3 hari )

Akan meliputi – Kawasan luar bandar, pekan dan ladang  hampir semua negeri di Semenanjung Malaysia. (lebih menumpu kepada kawasan dibawah BN)


Konsep :

  • Konsep Whiste-Stop dengan menggunakan bas kempen dan peserta yang akan melalui beberapa destinasi penting selama 3 hari
  • Risalah akan diedarkan dan poster dinaikkan sepanjang perjalanan bas tersebut. Risalah akan memfokus pemerintahan 53 tahun BN dan mengapa rakyat perlu meminta BN bersara dalam PRU ke 13 dan apakah mala petaka yang akan melanda sekiranya BN menang PRU 13
  • Dua bas akan bergerak serentak-satu meliputi kawasan utara Semenanjung dan satu kawasan selatan
  • Ceramah kelompok dan Umum akan diadakan pada waktu malam setiap hari sepanjang program ini
  • Sidang akhbar juga akan diadakan untuk memberikan update dari masa kesemasa


Masa Untuk Perubahan!


Kalau rakyat marhaen di negara-negara Arab dapat menjatuhkan rejim-rejim kukubesi yang berdekad-dekad lama memerintah, tidak mustahil untuk rakyat Malaysia menuntut perubahan politik di tanah air kita.

Cukup 54 tahun kita menderita dibawah pemerintahan satu parti . Masa untuk



Udahlah... bersaralah adalah satu kempen rakyat Malaysia menuntut perubahan

politik. Jom kita fikirkan. Kuasa di tangan anda. Jangan gadaikan harapan anak cucu

anda ditangan rejim yang korup dan tidak demokratik…


Udahlah tu...Bersaralah..........cukup 54 tahun


Dikeluarkan Oleh 



Setiausaha Agung



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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

100 protest against new wage panel bill

S Pathmawathy
Jun 15, 11

About 100 protesters representing various workers NGOs gathered outside the Parliament today to oppose the tabling of the National Wage Consultative Council Bill.

Workers rights group Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (Jerit) and Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM), together with 11 other non-governmental organisation, led the demonstration which lasted for 30 minutes.

The protesters rejected the setting-up of the consultative council, and instead demanded the enactment of a minimum wage bill, outlining the basic workers salary at RM1,500.

NONE"Don't use the National Wage Consultative Council Bill as an eyewash or as election sweeteners," said the group.

Armed with pro-workers banners and placards that read, "Until when will the labourers be tricked" and "Malaysia is rich but workers are poor".

Closely watched by some 50 armed police officers and those of the Light Strike Force (LSF), the protest went on undisturbed.

"Don't conspire with the employers to delay the implementation of the minimum wage act (and) use your political will to enact the act immediately," said PSM treasurer A Sivarajan, adding that it would lessen the income gap in the country.

He also lashed out at Human Resources Minister Dr S Subramaniam for saying RM550 should be the minimum wage for a security guard who works for 12 hours.

"He (Subramaniam) said the 34 percent of the 1.3 million workers in the country earned less than RM700, which is below the poverty line of RM720," said Sivarajan.

No faith in new wage council

A memorandum was given to representatives from the office of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, PKR secretary-general Saifuddin Nasution, on behalf of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, and M Kulasegaran, who represented the Parliamentary Caucus for Labour and Migrant Workers.

NONEIt stated that the poverty line of RM720 in Malaysia is below global standards in which the benchmark is stated as RM1,698 to RM2,012.

It also cited the 2010 Millennium Development Goals report, which states the gap between the poor and rich is widening as 40 percent of the population only enjoys 14.3 percent of the country's earnings.

"The prime minister's salary is no less than RM22,826.65 a month and including allowances, it is almost RM30,000. Meanwhile, ministers earn RM15,000 a month. So don't try to debate that workers survive with a low income," it said.

Jerit coordinator M Sivaranjani said they have lost faith that the setting-up of another council would solve their problems.

NONE"The wage council has got neither the fangs nor the powers to coerce the employers to abide by their orders, nor to take any action against employers who are stubborn and refuse to pay accordingly," she said.

The new bill is to replace the Salary Determination Council Act 1947, and is expected to be tabled, debated and passed at this Parliament sitting.

Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) vice-chairperson Mohd Roszeli Majid also supported their demand, as the labour organisation is not confident about the government's will to fulfil the minimum wage demands.

"MTUC was involved in the lab which decided on the National Wage Consultative Council Bill but nothing seemed to come out from it," said Roszeli

Posted By Pemuda Sosialis to Parlimen Sungai Siput at 6/15/2011 02:46:00 AM